FLURRY Token Metrics
The tokenomics of the FLURRY token supply.
Last updated
The tokenomics of the FLURRY token supply.
Last updated
0.003 USD
Seed: 5% (0% unlocked at listing. Daily vesting over 1 year) Private: 9% (20% unlocked at listing. Daily vesting over 1 year) Public: 1% (100% unlocked at listing) Team: 15% (6 months cliff. Quarterly vesting over 2 years) Advisor: 5% (6 months cliff. Quarterly vesting over 2 years) Partnerships 15% (0% unlocked at listing. Monthly vesting over 5 years) Community: 40% (0% unlocked at listing. Monthly vesting over 5 years) Reserve: 10% (0% unlocked at listing. Monthly vesting over 5 years)