How to get rhoTokens?

All functions are easily accessible on Flurry DApp.

Convert from Flurry DApp

Visit the Flurry DApp through the portal below:

Follow the User Guide to earn through rhoTokens before minting and redeeming rhoTokens:


Minting rhoTokens

Users can convert their stablecoins to rhoTokens using the Flurry DApp. Depositing USDT / USDC / BUSD will mint corresponding rhoUSDT / rhoUSDC / rhoBUSD and be sent to the users' wallets.

Redeeming rhoTokens

When users redeem their rhoTokens into stablecoins, the corresponding rhoTokens are burned, and users will receive the corresponding stablecoins into their wallets.

Buy RHO on Exchanges:

Users may buy rhoTokens on exchanges. rhoTokens is available on the following exchanges:

Decentralized Exchanges:

  • Uniswap (on Ethereum)

  • Pancakeswap (on BNB Chain)

  • Quickswap (on Polygon)

  • Kyberswap (coming soon...)

  • + more to come

Last updated